

Rendering Team @idsoftware (personal account)
BSEE CpE - C++/OpenGL/Compute Shaders
co-organizer of @GraphicsMeetup

フォロー数:1125 フォロワー数:1246

doing some stuff in preparation for some dithering experiments, here bitcrushing the colors in the image by bit shifting right, then bit shifting left in order to only use the top bits

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some cooler shots of the lighting system

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found a cool lego model to trace for a 3d soft body model and a program called leocad - model is from https://t.co/XBFe59nnus lego model 8466

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something about this I really like

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Anyone ever use OpenGL Image load/store before? I am getting really weird behavior, it's treating a 3d texture as just like an extruded 2d slice through it

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something's happening

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phong for shiny white, like a gloss paint kind of surface maybe, looking pretty good

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