🐊 time @ living bolt ⚡️さんのプロフィール画像

🐊 time @ living bolt ⚡️さんのイラストまとめ

hoshiko。25↑。she/her。🔞 腐, 雑食, 逆カプもOK 🔞 テニプリ 柳蓮二最推し/ツイステ ⚡️右/金カム 鯉月 ENG/עבר/日本語OK! read card byf

フォロー数:155 フォロワー数:4902

he always looks so smug and happy on his birthday SO CUTE

119 565

losing my sanity waiting for His birthday card

52 411

sebek has the most beautiful eyes and nothing can change my mind

60 501

his gap in these stickers alone… 😳

7 65

can’t believe they used “PLEASE PRAISE ME!” for the sticker he looks so smug 😭

17 133

they released him so early but idc look at him 🥺

4 44

silver halloween ssr full translation ⚔️👻

51 102