🐊 time @ living bolt ⚡️さんのプロフィール画像

🐊 time @ living bolt ⚡️さんのイラストまとめ

hoshiko。25↑。she/her。🔞 腐, 雑食, 逆カプもOK 🔞 テニプリ 柳蓮二最推し/ツイステ ⚡️右/金カム 鯉月 ENG/עבר/日本語OK! read card byf

フォロー数:155 フォロワー数:4902

silver birthday personal story full translation ⚔️🎂

59 128

animal friends are very important they’re the honor guests for the birthday party ☺️

26 104

sword, his baton and animal friends 😭😭😭😭

5 50

sighs as i add another teary eyed sebek to the collection

23 100

baby don’t cry you will ruin your makeup 🥺😭

20 123

WAKASAMA!!!!! where are you

11 74