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フォロー数:2017 フォロワー数:19367

It was, in fact, a whole calendar🤣 Here a taste of what Afterlife holds for us. Well, at least for male deceased...

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Petrichor - the smell of earth and grass after the rain.

It's raining (a bit) in Time for another rainy painting by Lesser One, however, that would've smelled of wet asphalt, though.

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A map of the 1896 Berliner Gewerbeausstellung (Industrial Exposition) in today's Park, an event which electrified the city and the country that year. Even the Alps were present (see last tweet): made by a construction company, Boswau & Knauer.

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In mid-19thC Schlesischer Bahnhof (see previous tweet), built as Niederschlesisch-Märkischer Bahnhof, was dubbed "Katholischer Bahnhof": majority of the work-seeking immigrants who alighted there came from the East and were Roman-Catholic. Equally many were Jewish.

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break in my kids are making pancakes (called Eierkuchen in I expect to be fed, too;-)

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What do Gainsborough's "The Blue Boy", Burg Frankenstein & Berlin have in common?

Artificial dye known as Preußisch Blau, invented by accident 1706 by JH Diesbach & JK Dippel in 1st named & then used by Prussian army (uniforms) & thus called Prussian Blue.

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