//=time() ?>
Split this page into two, then deleted the original like a dipshit, so digging through the initial draft to see if I saved it *there.*
In the meanwhile: initial sketch of page 13, which was split into page 7/8/9.
I am a simple soul with simple needs in my preferred characters: pissants and dour stick-in-the-muds, fluffy malicious children, overenthusiastic nerds, and judgemental family matriarchs.
I'd say "pissy family matriarchs", but that's Nana Ogg erasure and I will not allow it.
The only DND things I want are Planescape and Kelemvor related, and tragically, Kelemvor's symbology is just "goth", and Planescape is..
.. is when there's no one else around.
("Brain parasites whispering/screaming in your brain-ears" included in this definition of no one.)
It emphasizes the lack of control he has over this situation, which will hopefully be more overt once the pages have colour on! Light in this comic is pretty much always negative: it's linked with people, which *would* be good, but the only circumstances that chars are safe..
But you don't have sound in comic.
I dislike SFX a lot in comic, but you can always use those to do your best - well-integrated, it can work really well! My dislike largely stems just from never using it, lol. I *should,* but unfamiliarity builds contempt.
Glad twitter isn't making shit arbitrarily transparent anymore, but there's so many questions about their new hatred of.. opacity?
Reba reminded me the importance of warmups, so guess I'm just sketching all of the NPCs from our game, because the difference between "take one" of this inking vs. "take two" is not perfect, but still pretty stark.
Tried for art-deco at first in my ref pic, and ended up with.. weird evil flesh snake, with a middle portion that looked like "evil cleavage", per Xav. So take two, which is really about take eight, bc I keep eyeing it, sniffing, and then scraping the slate bare to start over.
Waiting for my dyes to come in, waiting for printer ink to come in, waiting for ~*everything*~, it feels like, but I wanted a quick mock-up for my continuing agenda of "but consider: your mask could be your STATEMENT PIECE of your entire outfit", so paper mockup it was.