Liza Adamczewski or the accidental ecologistさんのプロフィール画像

Liza Adamczewski or the accidental ecologistさんのイラストまとめ

Multi disciplinary Irish Artist & creator of 58 acres of rewilded land & the original #1000postcards project depicting its biodiversity commissions taken

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I was going to have a rant about (which I pay a license fee for) giving Nigel F a platform to spout his odious & divisive ignorant piffle AGAIN but instead I turned my radio off & went to bed for a sleep because surly nobody wants to hear his voice ever again

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Tomorrow I shall mainly be painting baby mice asleep in their walnut shell beds
What ever you’re up to this weekend I hope you have some fun & some rest

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It’s been a while since I posted a apologies so here is a marsh tit in some mistletoe because I thought it might help lift the mood as we all buckle & creek under the weight of covid &

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This morning there were 4 Jays having breakfast under the bird feeder I’m worried about how they will cope this winter with the poor acorn harvest

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Because nothing speaks of Christmas more than frogs with umbrellas or frogs committing violent theft

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I’m about to order sets of Christmas wren cards with red envelopes if anyone wants a set now is the time to ask because I’m only getting them printed to order

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Printed on beautiful hand made vintage paper & hand finished with walnut ink whiskers in a limited edition of only 25 copies my Love Rats are now looking for new homes……..

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I’ve just put this painting titled In The Vines on my website gallery page if you want to take a closer look it’s my attempt to capture the fragility of a small bird which is always on its guard

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There are more than 250 species of wild bees in the UK & it’s these wild bees we need to save they are the ones pollinating our rich biodiversity of wild flowers that keep the hedgerows full of berries for the birds

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Good morning it feels like last nights rain has washed the whole farm & valley clean
I’ve just seen the little wren who lives in the hedge near my studio flit bye the inspiration for my latest print
Which in case you want one is now for sale

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