

Linda Pitcher Fine Art - Self taught artist - exhibited with ROI, NEAC, Discerning Eye (Mall Galleries, London), RBSA

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Another character with attitude, peeking around the frame! Freehand painting - oil on board. I really enjoyed painting the legs and beak of the raven

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WIP - So difficult to photograph as paint reflecting. I'm working on a seagull in flight & all I am interested in is the back of the head and the shapes! I can not add anymore lighter tones ect, as the oils get to a stage where they 'skid' & you can not add subsequent layers.

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I painted this robin as I loved his rotund body & skinny legs! Oil on board.

I need to finish off the wings, but will leave the painting to dry. I enjoyed painting the flowers & kept the painting in a high key, painting form with colour mixes, keeping away from a white tube!

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Work in Progress......... woodpecker (oil on gesso board). Need to decide on the background and work up the tree ect. It will be 'make or break' tomorrow! lol!

What I do love is the colour changes on the head

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Put away my trusty French Ultramarine & Burnt Umber and forced myself to paint form with colour high key! Was it fun? yep, actually enjoyed painting this little robin on a 6 x 6 inch . Cobra Oils .

Final painting (unframed) with work in progress

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I overworked the previous hare of yesterday so wiped the whole painting down and started again. I decided the angle of the hares chin is what attracted me to paint it......must always have the 'end point in mind' before placing paint on board!

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The challenge I gave myself was a painting of a puffin in flight! I love the way the puffin twisted it's body whilst keeping its head pefectly inline to view. Really loving Cobra oil paints

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My daughter has just given me a beautifully homemade box. Nestled inside was a cute metal wren she has made for me as a good luck charm for the next couple of days........... I'm gobsmacked!, it's stunning.

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I worked on a raven today - they are very wise birds, but they appear to crouch down a lot, so the angle makes it more difficult to keep the 'eye' to the head witout falling out of the painting. Freehand acrylic on board

I've shown WIP - you will see I cropped it

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Raven's are majestic, who can't resist drawing them! - charcoal on Canford artist support

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