Mike Doscherさんのプロフィール画像

Mike Doscherさんのイラストまとめ

concept artist 2d/3d [email protected]

フォロー数:1797 フォロワー数:28177

More art soon. Been sick and somewhat unemployed. Working on rectifying both. In the meantime here's some GALAHAD 3093 production concepts I don't think I shared before. Mirroring elements lets you get away with a lot in environments provided there's an offset for diff. parts

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Old piece I still kind of like

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All of this talk of using grounded details to make the fantastic seem more real reminds me of doing this drawing 11 years ago trying to make a very anime pseudo-spider tank fit in with the BF3 aesthetic. Ultimately I built it and put it in a photobashed scene

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It was an interesting exercise on End of Nations to dress up very iconic and flamboyant shapes with more grounded details to both get something that read well in an RTS but seemed a bit less cartoony when seen in HD

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Two years ago. I think I want to redo it. I like the central gimmick of the cursed feed system but it's too cartoony as implemented and I misunderstood best common practices as well for modeling and baking

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Norse gods. Some last few pieces of nose art for GALAHAD 3093

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Portrait of Chala. Work in progress. People are both the easiest and hardest thing to depict because we're so used to looking to looking at them I think. I don't think it looks like her yet but I see that as a future possibility

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buglike but friendly

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The final in-game weapon turned out a bit like this. It's important in situations where you need to recognize the armament of any given mech instantly that the silhouette has a UI function and should be considered in terms of how it looks mounted rather than just on its own

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The 'pike' was an interesting problem that went through a lot of refinement. Basically a variable choke super shotgun it needed convey mode information both to the player and to those around them

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