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Detail of a 1730s conversation piece by William Hogarth. The small hands holding a silver tray at bottom left are all that remain of an enslaved African boy, who was cut out of the canvas by someone unscrupulous. #williamhogarth #hogarth #conversationpie… https://t.co/Z1lcwTdel8
1660s votive picture of Sir Henry Bedingfeld, his wife Margaret Paston, Lady Bedingfeld, and their family under the mantle of the Virgin of Mercy, painted by a Dutch or English artist in commemoration of Bedingfeld’s escape from the 1644 Battle of Marsto… https://t.co/06q4QcWNk4
L’hiver, Nicolas Lancret, 1719-1721 #cozy #nicolaslancret #rococo #fauteuil #chair #armchair #mobilier #furniture #interior #decoration #dog #dogsofinstagram #genrescene #regence #18emesiecle #18thcentury #18thcenturyart #tableau #peinturefrançaise #fre… https://t.co/fwJIDnhsEO
Seneca Veterans of the War of 1812, John Lee Douglas Mathies, 1819-1820 #seneca #senecanation #iroquois #warof1812 #veteran #newyork #nativeamerican #indigenous #1810s #19thcentury #americana #americanart #bowandarrow #tomahawk #feathers #birdsofinstagra… https://t.co/pPymCMMezR
L’Assomption de la Vierge, François Boucher, 1758-1760 #spiritualrococo #francoisboucher #viergemarie #virginmary #assumptionoftheblessedvirginmary #catholicism #sublime #clouds #18emesiecle #18thcentury #18thcenturyart #1750s #rococo #rocaille #peinture… https://t.co/hhrfzN9Lcj
La Folie pare la Décrépitude des ajustements de la Jeunesse/Folly Embellishes Old Age with the Adornments of Youth… https://t.co/oTwL5bfroa
Portrait de femme, Henri-Pierre Danloux, vers 1785 #danloux #henripierredanloux #portrait #hat #chapeau #lady #18e… https://t.co/FrmI7rMCWs
Oeuvre de Juste-Aurèle Meissonnier, peintre, sculpteur, architecte et sculpteur de la chambre du Cabinet du Roy [.… https://t.co/kDZvngMCzm
Paysage idyllique, François Boucher, 1761 #francoisboucher #paysage #landscape #idylle #idyllic #sublime #clouds #… https://t.co/AWziyfQsmT