jab 🍔さんのプロフィール画像

jab 🍔さんのイラストまとめ

throwing punches, eating lunches

フォロー数:659 フォロワー数:2028

as a kid, i used to rush to get home after school, saying that Thundercats was on Toonami at 4pm and i didn't want to miss it... but that was a lie. anyone who knew the Toonami schedule could tell you, Thundercats came on at 4:30. you know what DID come on at 4? https://t.co/q5KlQaYRmc

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Vega is blonde in his earliest canonical appearance, then brunette in SF2 and 4, then BACK to blonde for SF5? WHAT IS THE TRUTH

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i just had a thing about wide mouths with exposed teeth at that age, i was scared of E. Honda in Super Street Fighter 2 for the same reason

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these are my favorite comic book covers, idk i just felt like talking about them

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these four Nickelodeon Superman expies have a battle royale, who you got

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it's been like 10 years and i'm still mad about Oni. he could have been a cool "What If"-type Evil Gouken character, which would have made more sense, given that his visual design and combat style resemble Gouken's- but no, he's just "Akuma but EVEN MORE EVIL". DUMB AS HELL

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my favorite flavor of X-Men is Mutant Sovereignty (We Are No Longer Asking)

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i feel like this just says i like burst damage and i don't really play effectively with teammates https://t.co/8bVCCUiQrS

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scrolled a bit too fast here and thot was simping for the grinch, jumpscare

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i guess if there's a common denominator here, it's that they all have the kind of playstyle that, if played patiently, makes it possible to win with just fundamentals and good timing, if you're an individual who is not good with combos like such as myself https://t.co/RrF7TyjcbF

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