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流石に翻訳を見直すんで、出版も後ろ倒しにならざるを得ないんですかね。 https://t.co/1gwqR19mRC

19 27

Judging from these tweet,translating Hiura as transgender didn't get support from other translators.

Only one translator said "fully support this translator" in this article.
I was relieved.And I appreciate their logical and fact base judgement. https://t.co/v0DPs6vcLz

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ある一人の翻訳者は、トランスジェンダーとして訳すことを「全面的に支持」したものの、他の翻訳者からは賛同を得られなかったみたい。 https://t.co/v0DPs6vcLz

28 77

I'm laughing.

According to official account,SPYxFamily will collaborate with All Japan elementary school Dodgeball tournament.

Given the timing, preparations must have been made well in advance. lol https://t.co/LpkS6rTlbg

17 54

スパイファミリーが、正真正銘、ドッジボールのコラボをするみたいで笑っている。いやもう、放送内容を踏まえて発表のタイミング狙ってたでしょこれ(笑) https://t.co/LpkS6rTlbg

5 12

According to these tweets,even for "queer","cross dressor","transgender" people,this translation seem to uncomfortable.They want translation to be royal to the original material.

If so,this translation is just for self-satisfaction. https://t.co/j9Ld0T9H4b

33 104


英語圏の「トランスジェンダー」「女装するが男性」の人の声を集めた人がいたんで一部紹介。女装とトランスジェンダーとをごっちゃにするのは勘弁してほしいみたいですね。 https://t.co/j9Ld0T9H4b

20 34

I saw the movie version of Teasing Master Takagi-san
I was grinning for the entire 70 minutes.

And, spoiler alert,
A little element of "Teasing Master (Former) Takagi-san" appeared in the last few minuts.Even if this movie is the last Anime version of Takagi-san,I am satisfied.

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3 17

”are looking into addressing”

At least English publisher seems to admit that their translation have problem to "addressing".

I hope they don't insert ideology that original don't have. https://t.co/s6Q3vKqUWz

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