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>To Love-Ru Darkness Manga Volumes Banned in Australia

Honestly I'm not surprised any longer.
Because this is Australia affair.What I have to keep inmind is that Australia have very strict rule on manga.This is not English-speaking country problem but just Australia problem. https://t.co/cMYLSWyYmf

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This may sound strange.But some people who mistakenly believe that tone down of manga expression is helpful to serve Global audience.
I have seen such type of people in Japan.

Perhaps these type of people don't want to admit that liking ecchi is just human's inevitable nature. https://t.co/ssBLlQSvno

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I mistakenly believed that almost all of DC comics artists are believer of "Woke" culture.

Therefore,I was surprised by harsh criticism from this colorists.
I don't know whether this person will success or not.
But I hope he will make what he want to truly make. https://t.co/Hi1ehWtnx8

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 捨て台詞が凄い・・・。ポリコレった方針に満足しない人ってけっこう内部にいるんでしょうね。 https://t.co/Hi1ehWtnx8

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 英語圏の出版社は、自分達の英訳が作者の意図と異なっていたと正式に認め、再版するとアナウンス。また、今後は翻訳をチームで行い、原作に忠実で正確な翻訳をするとしています。 https://t.co/bxCQnMYJLO

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I'm glad that English publisher officially admit their translation differed from the author's intent.

>every effort to keep the language respectful and inclusive.

I suppose that is the cause of their mistake.
They prioritized "inclusive" instead of author's intent. https://t.co/bxCQnMYJLO

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Taimanin series was originally an eroge. It and Black Lagoon will collaborate. I think it is a good thing that Japanese otaku culture is so generous in these areas.

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しかしこれ、俗に言うキャンセルカルチャーの特色なのかも知れないけれども、往々にして制作者側でなく、プラットフォーム側に圧力をかけることで、対話の道を回避したままに一方的に要求を通そうとするのは不思議と言えば不思議。 https://t.co/G2dDLjGpge

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