

Musing on arty stuff.

フォロー数:186 フォロワー数:339

One last kiss to break the heart,
One last kiss, then farewell

Turchi's Venus and Adonis

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Reminding me of the Spring am missing. Double Daffodils by Simon Verelst c.1665

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The origin of Mondrian's sensibility? Glassy calm of Willen van de Velde .

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It's a misty morning. Caspar David Friedrich

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One of the most remarkable portraits in . Lady Elizabeth Cromwell by Kneller (1702) has the feel of something produced at the end of the century rather than the start. Great rococo frame though.

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Not chicken, not scampi, but a head in a basket. So much for exiting the Assyrian camp discreetly. Judith and her Maid by Domenico Ghirlandaio (1489)

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Have always thought del Piombo's composition one of the most harmonious from the High Renaissance

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Raphael redux. Ottmar Elliger woodier version.

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Well, he'd certainly hear it. Gérard Seghers' St Peter Repentant

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Zuloaga channelling his 17thc predecessors

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