

リトルプレス発行レーベルScopeboy Booksやってます。2012年『大島弓子の話をしよう』編集・発行、『大島弓子 fan book』(青月社)『ネコマンガ コレクション』(立東舎)に書き手として参加。他ユリイカやTH等にも書かせてもらってます。筋少・三池崇史などを愛して数十年。

フォロー数:1180 フォロワー数:1335

RT>米沢嘉博記念図書館の樹村みのり先生の展示も明日が最終日。#猫の本棚 102棚にぜひ帰路にでもお立ち寄りください。『愛ちゃんを捜して』『ももちゃん がっちゃん』どちらもただ「猫が可愛い」だけではない豊かな読後感を味わえる本です。

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Yumiko Oshima's most famous comic, "The Star of Cottonland(綿の国星)". A very cute picture conveys a philosophical theme. You can experience wonderful spring days through the eyes of a kitten drawn in the form of a girl.

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Happy Birthday,Yumiko Oshima!After reading Oshima's work, writer Aoko Matsuda described it as "a feeling that the world is being rinsed." I think it's a good analogy. Yumiko Oshima's story is widespread, transcending the boundaries of gender, dreams and reality.

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Happy Birthday,Yumiko Oshima!
From little girls to older men and women, her comics embrace all readers. Real and sometimes tragic, but never forget humor. She can meet a wonderful miracle, like reaching out a little and fetching the stars of the universe.

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Happy Birthday,Yumiko Oshima!
Her punk, philosophical and most beautiful comics have taken care of the painful hearts of teenagers. I want girls all over the world to read 〝Banana Bread pudding〟 and many other works. There are also ebooks.

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Happy Birthday! Yumiko Oshima
Her comics are dreamy and adorable, yet philosophical, and the lines are poetic. The girls have taken care of the hearts of many people. I hope her work will continue to be read.

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