

Bald female fetish

フォロー数:120 フォロワー数:775

243. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

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242. Helen, Beatrice and Alonso look at Rebecca from head to toe, with a significant sight.

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241. Ofidio loves thressomes (he is so handsy, as an octopus), but this is nothing compared with his other fetish: Ofidio likes unique looking women: my interviewees said that he loses his mind by lust when they are near. It can be heterochromia, full body tattooed, tallness..."

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240. Helen, Beatrice and Alonso have been catched by surprise. And they want to see where this conversation leads to.

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239. "Well, as you know, I interviewed many veterans from the Asmens-Lanun wars for my epopee.

Some of them were Ofidio's war prisoners and... six of them commented the same thing about him: he has a... What was the word they used? Ah, I remember now: kinks".

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238. Helen, Beatrice and Alonso are all ears.

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237. Until Rebecca, blushing, says:

"Maybe I have an idea..."

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236. Knowing Helen has made a good point, the princess, the captain and the blonde bard think and think, but they finally come to an impasse and get indecisive..."

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235. "You are right, your Highness" Helen intervenes. "All the kidnappers wish for your death, so you are a very tempting target, yes. But you are forgetting one thing: If Ofidio is so smart, he won't be fooled easily. So we will need a stratagem to distance him from his troops".

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234. "But Princess!" Alonso complains. "It's too dangerous...!

"Our people are already in danger, Alonso!" Beatrice replies. "And I will put my life in jeopardy for them if it is necessary!"


"Is an order, Alonso."


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