Shawn Bowers!さんのプロフィール画像

Shawn Bowers!さんのイラストまとめ

Fun funky boy and lover of new release films!!!

My new sketch comedy album SPECIAL AND ALONE is out now. Listen free:

フォロー数:481 フォロワー数:1512

073 GARFACRUEL - Its 80 TAILS wrap around your throat while you SLEEP, and as you awake to find YOU ARE DYING, it makes DIRECT EYE CONTACT.

79 176

011 - METAGARF - Inside its HARD FAT shell, this is LAZY and WEAK, but at least it's shielded from SCARY ELECTION RESULTS.

37 87

053 PERSFIELD - Although its fat has many admirers, it is tough to raise AS A PET because of its FICKLE MEANNESS. <-- V V TOPICAL RIGHT NOW

28 81

088 GRIMEFIELD - Made of hardened fat, its fave food is GARBAGE LASAGNA. Its horrible stench prevents it from GOING OUT and LIVING A LIFE.

48 93

072 GARFACOOL - FREQUENTLY DEHYDRATED b/c it doesn't drink enough water, it mostly drinks soda and it should KNOW BETTER but it LIKES SODA.

37 82

017 - GARFEOTTO - Too fat to fly, and too lazy to hunt, it HIRES OTHER GARFEMON to catch its prey. This Garfemon does not TIP WELL.

22 83

029 GARFORAN (F) - Too lazy to be combative, it torments its foes with SARCASTIC BARBS that it thinks to itself b/c it can't SPEAK LANGUAGE.

20 71

038 NINEGARFS - Its 9 MOUTH THINGS contain magic that allows this to live 9 LIVES. It doesn't LOVE b/c emotions are IMPERMANENT.

30 93

050 DIGFIELD - This burrows in COMMON LASAGNAS, but it is also claustrophobic, so every moment of its life IS PAIN AND FEAR.

99 201