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To WAH or not to WAH. That is the question.
(One of these days I'll adapt these two to my Mario canon, until then enjoy my Spumco-esque takes on them!)
#DecoytheSkeletalBoy #Wario #Waluigi #SuperMarioBros #Nintendo #MyFavoriteCharacters
Yoshi's Island is among my favorite Mario games and is definitely the best Yoshi game... so did anyone else notice that Blue Yoshi is straight up abandoned on the moon after beating Raphael Raven?
#DecoyhteSkeletalBoy #YoshisIsland #Yoshi #FreeBlueYoshi
Super Mario Bros. is a series that is near and dear to me, however it's art style is one that I suck at emulating so, as I am want to do I've concocted an art style/head canon for it that better suits me. #DecoytheSkeletalBoy #SuperMarioBros #Mario #Luigi #FLUDD #Nintendo
More silly animal protagonists by Rare, and proof that I can actually draw things that don't make my father turn over in his grave!
#DecoytheSkeletalBoy #BanjoKazooie #Rare #Nintendo64 #bear #bird #GuhHuh
So THIS is why Candy Kong was removed from Donkey Kong Country Returns/Tropical Freeze! (You look me in the eye and tell me that Rare wouldn't make a joke like this!)
#DecoytheSkeletalBoy #DonkeyKong #DiddyKong #CandyKong #lewd #noregrets #RejectHumanity #ReturntoMonkey
Donkey Kong Country is one of my favorite video game series of all time. Now, I'm not saying that certain Kremlings fueled my fat fetish from a young age... but I'm also not saying they didn't.
#DecoytheSkeletalBoy #DonkeyKong #KingKRool #fat #obese #joke #funny
And last, but certainly not least-
#DecoytheSkeletalBoy #Pokemon #Mareanie #Murkrow
Still more favorites.
#DecoytheSkeletalBoy #Pokemon #Gengar #Exeggutor #Lycanroc #Midnight #Escavalier
Yet more favorites.
#DecoytheSkeletalBoy #Tsareena #AlolanDugtrio #HeMan #Jynx #Snorlax #BBW #obese #bigbutt #IHaveObviousPreferences
More of my favorites.
#DecoytheSkeletalBoy #Pokemon #Morgrem #Hitmonlee #Hitmonchan #Magcargo #Gourgeist