
[email protected]さんのイラストまとめ

Artist, illustrator and graphic designer interested in storytelling, mythology and philosophy.

フォロー数:287 フォロワー数:126

Some species of are The red-bellied one is more meat eater and usually feeds in a very orderly fashion. Some of the fish will take a bite and then move aside so another fish can take a bite.

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are established according to a strict hierarchy, with a dominant alpha male and female at the top. Usually this male and female are the only of the pack to breed. All adults help to care for young pups.

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There is one generation per year of The speckled green fruitworm overwinters as a pupa in the soil. Adults emerge from in spring climb to the tips of limbs and spurs where they conceal themselves by webbing the leaves together with silk

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The which is also commonly referred to as a mountain lion or Unlike other big cats, however, the cougar cannot roar. Instead, the large feline purrs like a house cat.

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Most animals use either sight, sound, or smell to hunt, rely on their sense of touch to locate food. Their front contain roughly four times more sensory than their back paws, same ratio of human hands to feet.

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Male are called females are called An older term for an adult rabbit is while rabbit or refers only to the young animals.

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Bald are cat-sized, active, intelligent and live in large social groups. Their red faces are thought to be an indication of health, since those infected with malaria have paler faces.

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are related to pigs and They resemble but their ears are much shorter and rounder. They are prized for their luxuriously soft and were nearly driven to extinction because of the demand.

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A is the larva of a such as The presence and development of maggots on a are useful in the estimation of time elapsed since

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are among the speediest animals on land. They run at more than 53 miles an hour, leaving pursuing and in the dust. Pronghorns are also great distance runners that can travel for miles at half that speed.#animals

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