
[email protected]さんのイラストまとめ

Artist, illustrator and graphic designer interested in storytelling, mythology and philosophy.

フォロー数:287 フォロワー数:126

species are parasites, laying its in the of other birds and will provide no parental care of its young. Young hatch before the nesting bird’s own eggs and it pushes out the rest of the eggs.

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Despite their mischievous nature, seem capable of feeling empathy. When a raven’s friend loses in a fight, they will seem to console the losing bird. A of ravens is called an

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Although the may be spectacular to look at, it is also lethal. Its fins have that are as sharp as which they use to inject a potent into their predators.#animals

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During the day, stay in deep water to avoid their predators. But at night, when the risk of being seen by the predators is less, they come to the surface and keep their mouths open while swimming.

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are known for living in herds. Larger are made up mostly of female gazelle and their offspring. Males live in separate herds as they’re very territorial.#animals

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The word is from the Latin fur, meaning “little Indeed, one of the ferret’s favorite activities is and hiding things.

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have small, useless however, their are long and powerful. Emus are the only that have any calf muscles. Emus need a lot of water. They’re known for drinking 9 to 18 litres daily.

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All young and old alike, participate in elaborate, enthusiastic “dancing,” often just for the fun of it! For the young, dancing helps to develop physical and social skills.

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build for a myriad of reasons, and one is so that the behind it will grow deep enough to ensure it doesn’t freeze all the way throug during the winter so they can reach their storage at the bottom of the lake.

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We have seen this weather before. Our relatives were here 60 million years ago. Do you think you have the survival gene?

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