Subversive Jakeさんのプロフィール画像

Subversive Jakeさんのイラストまとめ

Art, Comics, Films, TV, Music, Star Wars

フォロー数:67 フォロワー数:2281

I’m starting to appreciate how Leia felt when she was Jabba’s captive, although Olga hasn’t forced me to wear any gratuitously revealing outfits, yet. I probably could’ve planned Han’s rescue better back then, but of course these days I wouldn’t have bothered at all.

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Just as I’m beginning to resign myself to my fate as a prisoner, I discover who my cell mate is going to be. I don’t know what crimes she has committed against the Porg-Order, but Olga seems to be delighted & excited to see me again. I have a bad feeling about this.

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I hear that name being called out again as I walk away from the mirror, “Luke”, the name of the other me. The me that apparently didn’t hide away from his friends. The me that seems to be facing his foes head on, like I used to in the old days. What does it all mean?

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I don’t know what’s happening here exactly but it’s making me very nervous. Some sort of ceremony appears to be taking place, with Olga & I the main focus of attention. Martha & Joslyn are excited & emotional. I’m beginning to think I should’ve stayed under that rock.

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After giving me some milk Martha & Joslyn spend the day leading me back to the part of the island I’d made my home. I’m too wretched & miserable to do anything but meekly follow. They chatter away for most of the journey, but I can’t understand a word they’re saying.

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After nearly a week I’m coaxed out from my rock by the strange but nice ladies. “Martha” & “Joslyn” I’ve decided to call them. They’ve got milk & despite my despair & my desire to die, thirst gets the better of me. How did I become so weak? I can’t even die properly.

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Master Yoda returned again today but this time as his normal, serious self. I told him about everything that’s happened, how I just came here to die & that I think the Jedi should end. For someone who was a Jedi for hundreds of years he seemed strangely indifferent .

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I’ve been sitting under this rock for four days & master Yoda’s force ghost has suddenly appeared. Weirdly, he’s behaving the same way I remember him acting the first time I met him, when he was pretending not to be a Jedi master. I can’t imagine why he’s doing that.

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Perhaps it’s my subconscious trying to stop me thinking about Ben, or maybe it’s because I haven’t had any milk for the last three days, but Han has just appeared in front of me, as he used to look when I first met him.”Great kid, don’t get cocky“, he’s saying.

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