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Nearly finished my brand new short story #RianTheBoatMaker. It will be uploaded in its entirety tomorrow, as I think this one needs to be read in one sitting.
It is a cautionary tale of incompetence and arrogance for the modern age.
Look out for it tomorrow!
Coming soon... #RianTheBoatMaker
A cautionary tale of incompetence and arrogance for the modern age.
I see figures emerging from the Falcon, Chewie, R2, but no Han. Then I spot the girl who Ruin told me about. The girl from Jakku who has apparently taught herself more about the Force than I was ever able to learn from two legendary Jedi Masters. What does she want?
I’m eagerly getting back into the swing of my monotonous, dismal daily routine when I notice a spacecraft appear in the distance. As it flys swiftly towards the island I realise it’s not just any old ship, it’s the Millennium Falcon. The Resistance have found me.
Relieved as I am that Ruin has gone, l’m once again left dealing with the grave, strenuous consequences of using the doppelganger power. Kevin the Porg briefly watches my motionless, frail body before nonchalantly wandering off. It is the last I will ever see of him.
By the time Ruin returns us to the island he has described & explained every last excruciating detail of the bizarre, illogical story he has planned. When he finally stops talking I tell him how exhausted, hopeless & depressed he’s made me feel. “Perfect,” he says.
Ruin is unconcerned when I point out inconsistencies between my own four year struggle to become a Jedi & the remarkable things he claims this girl will achieve in little over a week. “You have to remember, this isn’t your story anymore Jake,” Ruin says. “It’s mine.”
“Her tribulations will be very much like your own Jake,” Ruin says, as I marvel at how very unlike my own this girl’s tribulations will be. I ask Ruin how she will be able to do such incredible things without training. “Nobody will care about that,” Ruin assures me.
“I am everything Obi Wan tried to warn you about Jake, & more,” the mysterious being says. “I have been granted power by my masters beyond anything you can imagine. I am now the architect of your reality. I am known by many names, but here you can call me... Ruin.”
Shortly after the day’s fourth milk run I notice Kevin the Porg staring into the distance. He seems disturbed by something. I follow his gaze & see he’s looking at what appears to be Obi Wan. It’s hard to tell from this distance but something seems to be wrong.