

レトロゲームを逆アセンブルして調査。メガCD開発キットMEGADEVを作成した。Retro game disassemblies/research and Megadev, a Mega CD SDK. Also posts about life in Japan (usually food/temples)

フォロー数:350 フォロワー数:3104

New article up! Why not play through Aurail with a couple of cheat codes and enjoy its Engrish-tastic ending?

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Tried to see if any of our newfound knowledge about the Model 2 dip switches had any effect in DoA. Doesn't look like it, but I did accidentally find the proper way to access the debug text viewer along the way. Oops!

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Posting again, this time with attention grabbing graphics: New article up for Magical Speed!

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New article up! Hidden debug functions and unused inputs in Athena no Hatena. Check it out here:

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Whoa didn't expect to find THIS... it's the ship from Daioh as one of the quiz images in Athena no Hatena!

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Pipi there's something in the grass behind you look out oh god Pipi look behind you oh god oh ffffff

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New (short) article! Detana TwinBee has some unused text that extends the game dedication

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