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There's nothing quite as healing as the trifecta of mindfulness, creativity, and nature. Get outside, get out of your head. Create art, not mental drama.

The healing benefits of mindfulness, creativity, and nature: https://t.co/xibYy7xDTD

50 253

“If you put shame in a petri dish, it needs three ingredients to grow exponentially: secrecy, silence, and judgment. If you put the same amount of shame in the petri dish and douse it with empathy, it can’t survive.” ~Brené Brown

How to heal your shame: https://t.co/h8Pq5vRRmT

32 154

"Toxic relationships will leave you feeling like you are mad. Often abusive partners will reinforce this by never taking responsibility and constantly telling you in various ways that it is your fault and your issues."

Healing from narcissistic abuse: https://t.co/ERIhJ2uzYt

41 179

We don't have to have all the answers, say the right things, or solve other people's problems. All we need to do is be there, with compassion, and hold space.

What it really means to be there and "hold space" for someone else: https://t.co/KZfDFfGQ9z

75 330

"It’s okay to feel overwhelmed & stressed out. It’s okay to feel lost & unsure... We put so much pressure on ourselves to be happy all the time. It’s okay to acknowledge when times are tough." ~Ilene S. Cohen

If you feel bad about feeling sad & anxious: https://t.co/NEDWrXSA9U

85 308

"People in codependent relationships tend to neglect themselves while over-prioritizing their partners’ values, needs & dreams. The result? A painful and tangible loss of self."

How to tell if your relationship is codependent (and what to do about it): https://t.co/dpx2zJERaH

37 157

Studies show that people with a history of psychological trauma are almost three times more likely to have chronic pain than those who had experienced no trauma. An eye-opening read...

What is stress-induced illness - how trauma can cause physical pain: https://t.co/IX9oDf1kNK

57 217

"I can’t say I am exactly happy I had cancer, but I can’t imagine life without it... it was an opportunity for growth & learning that I can do hard things. It was a reminder to focus on being truly alive." Brynn Barale

How to thrive after surviving cancer https://t.co/u0aFq9iPiW

26 152

"You are allowed to take up space. Own who you are & what you want for yourself. Stop downplaying the things you care about, the hopes you have. Own your passions, your thoughts, your perceptions." Bianca Sparacino

How I stopped shrinking to please people https://t.co/Ppn8XrYpVf

73 323

There's nothing quite as healing as the trifecta of mindfulness, creativity, and nature. Get outside, get out of your head. Create art, not mental drama.

The healing benefits of mindfulness, creativity, and nature: https://t.co/xibYy7xDTD

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