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Everything we say at funerals should be said at birthday parties instead. We leave so much love unspoken.

491 2105

Many survivors of sexual assault feel dirty & ashamed, especially if they felt physically aroused. But this is a natural bodily reaction & it doesn't mean you wanted it/consented or there's anything wrong with you.

How I overcame shame from sexual assault https://t.co/xUIxZfdgBG

27 125

We don't have to have all the answers, say the right things, or solve other people's problems. All we need to do is be there, with compassion, and hold space.

What it really ymeans to be there and "hold space" for someone else: https://t.co/KZfDFfGQ9z

68 282

It's not healthy to obsess over healthy eating. If you miss social events, can't enjoy holidays, and stress out about potentially breaking a food "rule," this is for you...

9 things I've learned in recovery from orthorexia: https://t.co/PWp4Kq6Igy

26 120

Gratitude is a beautiful thing, but there's a fine line between focusing on the good and tolerating a bad situation, telling yourself you should be grateful.

The two sides of gratitude - when it helps us and when it hurts us: https://t.co/3En4YZz71u

71 260

"If you ever feel the need to hide your history, struggles, or emotions to appear 'normal' to the rest of the world, consider this: You are actually depriving the world of getting to know you." ~Liv W.

The only way to find people who get you: https://t.co/7MdaamyrSx

54 250

“You can be a good person with a kind heart and still say no.” ~Unknown

A guide to saying no without guilt: 7 steps for people-pleasers https://t.co/UwcYcRyGBQ

78 321

"One is bound to lose themselves in partners that give them things that they don’t know how to give to themselves—like love, validation, and confirmation of their worth." ~Katlego Llale

How I stopped making men my everything and losing myself in love: https://t.co/Q31H7Pngbb

22 119

“You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass.” ~Timber Hawkeye

19 techniques to calm a highly sensitive nervous system: https://t.co/3V0S2U2Tbm

85 362

When other people treat you poorly, keep being you. Don't ever let someone else's bitterness change the person you are.

369 1473