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“Self-care is also not arguing with people who are committed to misunderstanding you.” ~ Ayishat A. Akanbi⠀

267 1256

If someone cheats or mistreats you, it doesn't mean you're not good enough or you did something wrong. Their choices are about them. Always.

5 lessons from being cheated on: https://t.co/Eff7PP0tEn

66 261

"Loss often requires us to make a choice between one of the following: Will this loss define me, destroy me, or drive me? What would your loved one want for you? What will you choose?" ~Jacqueline Miller

How to find yourself again after loss: https://t.co/BbPuiXkiFs

44 165

Don't let the ugly in others kill the beauty in you.

505 2041

Being hurt is a byproduct of being human. The smartest are those who take the lessons with them so they don’t make the same mistake twice & the strongest are the ones who learn & keep living with an open heart. The most admirable people do both. ~MJ Ross https://t.co/woZLeFPLlS

53 245

"And the dandelion does not stop growing, because it is told it is a weed. The dandelion does not care what others see. It says, 'One day, they’ll be making wishes upon me.'" ~B. Atkinson

277 1196

"If you keep bending backwards to make others happy, one day you will break your back. A broken back is very painful to bare, take note." ~Mariam

I was addicted to helping people – here’s why it made me miserable https://t.co/1NufNQx2u8

52 288

Many turn to minimalism to remove distractions and open up to more meaning and happiness, but decluttering in itself won't fill our lives with joy.

Exploring minimalism - why getting rid of stuff won't make you happy https://t.co/gv2phjNXSb

19 130

"You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back & observing things with logic... Breathe & allow things to pass." Unknown

If you're highly emotionally reactive, this might be why https://t.co/NJsTFNieuf

103 581

We all feel anxious at times. It's nothing to be ashamed of. But there are a few things you can do to calm your anxiety before you act on emotion and do or say something you'll later regret.

4 anti-anxiety techniques to help create inner calm: https://t.co/uki56Qs9Ro

37 184