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A quick note regarding today's post about people-pleasers, for anyone who found the title triggering: https://t.co/uP2i7xlGz4

The post now has a new title - Why People-Pleasers Lie and What We Gain When We're Honest Instead: https://t.co/kQRqGr2ifw

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People-pleasing won’t win you love and respect or make you happy. Set boundaries. Say no. Prioritize your own needs. And don't do for others the things they need to do for themselves.

Why people-pleasers don't get the love & respect they desire: https://t.co/nrifwFX93p

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“When you aren’t worrying so much about how others see you, you can show them who you really are. Not everyone will love you, it’s true—but those who do will be loving the real you” ~Amaya Pryce

What it means to be loyal to yourself: https://t.co/Yp0A3dYUJV

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Sometimes positive messages can do more harm than good. We can end up feeling guilty for not feeling grateful. Or bad about feeling sad. Or frustrated because we can't just "choose to be happy" or "enjoy every moment."

Toxic positivity on social media: https://t.co/uJGJbnNN2E

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We often look back on our day and judge it based on how much we accomplished. What if we focused on how we showed up in the world—whether we were mindful, kind, loving, supportive, appreciative, and open-minded?

8 questions to ask at the end of the day: https://t.co/3mXicsd84Y

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Our society prioritizes hustling over peace. We're pressured to always be going somewhere/achieving something. “Doing nothing” is scorned as lazy. But it's not. It's allowing yourself to simply be.

It's okay to have no purpose beyond enjoying this moment https://t.co/dqfh4Bmwo9

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"Solitude and self-reflection taught me what I truly care about: genuine connections, giving and receiving love, nurturing myself just as I do others, and living, not just surviving." ~Naila Matloub

Confessions of an Extrovert - Why I Now Love Alone Time https://t.co/rKBWsMc5iL

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"Trauma comes back as a reaction, not a memory." ~Bessel Van Der Kolk

How I'm healing from abuse after going in circles for years: https://t.co/T00fC4Mnit

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"if they don't want to watch you grow, maybe it's time to let them go." ~Lori Deschene

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Sometimes positive messages can do more harm than good. We can end up feeling guilty for not feeling grateful. Or bad about feeling sad. Or frustrated because we can't just "choose to be happy" or "enjoy every moment."

Toxic positivity on social media: https://t.co/uJGJbnNN2E

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