twst anything; dead ☔🐙さんのプロフィール画像

twst anything; dead ☔🐙さんのイラストまとめ

a bot that tweets random #ツイステ at least once an hour. every post that may hold any ground is entirely coincidental. i swear. see pinned for FAQ.

フォロー数:6 フォロワー数:3270

Kalim: 'Three tickets for the Barbie movie, please!' He's bringing Malleus and Riddle with him! No way!

159 861

Rook was caught passing a note to Leona in class! What did it say?

2 85

Rook Hunt violated his restraining order from Epel...

4 40

Jamil was caught passing a note to Sebek in class! What did it say?

2 14

30 times the glass was not strong enough for Leona!

11 86

Who would win a cookoff Deuce or Lilia?

21 221

Jade has been playing League of Legends for 15 hours!

3 16

Floyd just got outed as a Floyd stan! What a nerd :]

45 409

I love Epel! I want to put him in a blender <3

4 24