

31 He/Him Antifascist cartoon zebra. Artist/Musician/Audio Engineer. Your favorite ironic nazi hates me. BLM and ACAB means ALL.

Discord: wootmaster_

フォロー数:4208 フォロワー数:6079

Thus here we are with EpicLper trying to damage control underneath the repost by Quality Brony Posts and failing miserably.

My suggestion? Apologize to Evo for this failed "joke" and treat artists with a bit more respect in the future. This fandom is nothing without them.

4 29

The guy who always commissions his OC fucking Pinkie Pie unironically paid for a comic of their self-insert coping with canonically losing to Cheese Pie and I don't know if its blessed or cursed.

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There was also this weird in-between period when they first introduced human-twilight around EQG3 when they gave Sunset and Twilight REALLY GOOD outfits and everyone else was stuck with the goofy toy boots and its hilarious.

15 66

the one good thing that came from this was that 's twink Spike is now canon.

4 22

There is no greater honor than this

2 46