

30+ years of role-playing, tabletop gaming and being a total geek. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, World of Darkness and Horus Heresy are my jam.

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I'd love for to release a massive bestiary for the 4th edition I really want a huge book full of ready-to-play monsters, and not to make them myself from the various traits in the rulebook. I think that's one of the few flaws that I've found in 4th edition.

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I honestly would love to see Elemental Magic and maybe some kind of new "heretical" magic discipline for the 4th edition of I am toying with the idea of making a supplement about Sanguimancy - blood magic, based on Nagash's early teachings. Yay or nay?

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...and that's a wrap on chapter 1 of my Araby camapign. The main title is "Araby or bust! Or: let's take a road trip to Nehekhara!", and this chapter is called "On the waves of Manann". Thanks to , , and for help!

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During the party at the Niederstadt Haus, the party uncovered the machinations of Siegfired von Saponatheim, prevented the Black Lotus poisoning of their employer, and shot a stuffed boar to death. Not too bad for a single nights' work!

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One of my players just became a custodian of a cursed, Nehekharan sword. He needs to deliver it to its former owners' tomb as fast as possible... and the owner is one grumpy wraith!

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Yesterday I've finished the entire first chapter for my Hunter: The Reckoning chronicle with a infernal twist. I've broken my personal record by writing it in just under three days. Needless to say - I'm damn glad, but also pretty exhausted...

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As much as I enjoy the 2nd edition of one of its biggest weaknesses is enemy scaling. The basic critters and mooks are a joke to almost any character that starts its 2nd career. 4th edition did that stuff a lot better, even if it requires more work.

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I need to start writing two campaigns simultaneously, and it's kinda stressing me out. The Araby campaign I mostly have in my head, so it won't present too much of a problem. The monstrous (pun intended) Hunter: The Reckoning chronicle is something different...

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We wanted to return to "The Enemy Within", but as it turns out, it's been put on an indefinite hiatus...

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