パルテナの鏡のタグが付いたイラスト。 290ページ目

12871 件



2 37

Morning doodle
Surprised Pit my favorite expression~

74 664


29 116


1 7


115 436


1 17


4 24

it's rhea.... at the bar

4008 14767


3 9


60 274

it's the morning after and i noticed that the shines look weird so i tried fixing some shines on her shiny bits, nothing too different but i still feel better about it https://t.co/sXDytC8XWU

2 13

Did a Pitty Pat for the lulz, though I actually drew him in the same pose as one of his old artworks in the NES era :3

4 11

palutena ! bair slaps
also yo how does palu hold up her dress like there's no straps
also ?? how do strapless dresses work normally ??

12 38

List of Nintendo things that should happen but won't:

F-Zero game by Ubisoft with the same engine as Starlink that's a mix of racing and adventure

Combat focused hack and slash Zelda game

Kirby RPG

New Punch Out by Next Level Games with an actual story

A new Kid Icarus game

79 461

His hands are big
I see..Viridi is a lucky and happy Goddess( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

53 598


855 3619


29 99

Really hard to list my favorites, but the ones I absolutely enjoyed are the following.

1980s: The Legend of Zelda
1990s: Tomba 2! The evil swine returns.
2000s: Kid Icarus: Uprising.
2010s: Fire Emblem: Three Houses https://t.co/spCDSmLVxx

1 6

Lets come upp with our own Palutenas Guidance heres mine for Shantae

Pit. Whos that?

Palutena. Thats Shantae shes a Half genie from Scuttle town

Pit. Realy a genie?? Does she grant wishes??

Viridi. Not that kind of genie you NUMBSKULL!

3 20

can't say if i've gotten any better at making comics, but y'all remember when i was hard into remaking memes lmao

2 6

【雑談】発売から約9年、ニンテンドー3DSの最高傑作だと思うタイトルってなに? https://t.co/OPPTxV8yk8

2 10

Animal fact: bird chicks feel happy and safe under their parents wings :>

125 395