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Cartoon for @TorontoStar #LongTermCareHomes #LongTermCare #cdnpoli #covid19
Cartoon for @hilltimes #NursingHomeSlaughter #nursinghome #cdnpoli #NursingHomeDeaths #covid19
Cartoon for @TheHillTimes #airlines #cdnpoli @AirCanada
@WestJet #marcgarneau #lpc @AirporterInfo
Please enjoy today's #AndrewScheer cartoon in @TorontoStar #cdnpoli
Cartoon for @TheHillTimes #andrewscheer #cpcldr #CPC #CPC20 #cdnpoli
The next time you see Pierre Poilievre attacking the government for spending so much money to help suffering Canadians, remember who taught him every dirty trick he knows. And please treat him with the contempt he so richly deserves.#cdnpoli
Stephen Harper joined Alberta's economic recovery panel in March. How is it going so far? https://t.co/SdAvSRgPRX #cdnpoli
The Canadian Bank Note Company printed Canada's final run of $1 banknotes on today's date in 1989.
https://t.co/1ewox0dw1y #history #notaphily #collection #Cdnpoli #papermoney
.@JustinTrudeau #BailoutHumansNow NOT a sunset industry that gives huge bonuses to executives and CEOs.
We demand a Green Recovery that centres people and planet over corporate profits #JustRecovery
JOIN THE TWITTERSTORM >> https://t.co/gskLvmKbDY #cdnpoli #JustTransition
#OTD in 1961, the Government of Canada presented a cheque for $260,000 – all collected by Canadian children – to @UNICEF.
https://t.co/26Uxfn3xh8 #history #Cdnpoli #numismatics #UNICEF #coins
Cartoon for @TorontoStar #trump #troops #TrumpMeltdown #cdnpoli #coronavirus
@deAdder is the BEST! 😋 #Satire #CanadianExport
#cdnpoli https://t.co/BTwT2sCCe7
@hotdogluver2 @amandaalvaro @PnPCBC #meToo ... #PoorPeter has his costume ready for his pre #2020Election #ComingOUT parade! 😋 #Satire #pnpcbc #GoodLuckMister #PeterMacKay #cpcLdr
@43Watch @Ellis_Millshire @friendscb @CBC @BBCNews @CPC_HQ @AndrewScheer @PeterMacKay @stephenharper @JustinTrudeau Whomp, whomp, whomp.... A day late and a dollar short!
Who cares! Clearly, #StephenHarper doesn't; the #CPC leadership don't care. #YANKEEdoodleAndy and his campaign team of #HamishMarshall are a bunch of LOSERS! 😋 #Satire #Elxn43
@43Watch @friendscb @CBC @BBCNews Whomp, whomp, whomp!
Heavens to Betsy, you CONs are such whiners! 😋 #Satire #cpcLdr #CPC
@IshatReza Heavens to Betsy!
Ishat, this has to be another one of #PoorPeter 's failed attempt to speak #French ! This is TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! 😋 #Satire #GoodLuckMister #PeterMacKay #cpcLdr
@bryan_leblanc @calxandr @CanadianPolling Whomp, whomp, whomp, whomp MacKay...
👆👆👆...that's my #French and #English language attempt at imitating the sounds of our #SAR helicopter blades! 😋 #Satire #GoodLuckMister #PeterMacKay #PoorPeter #cpcLdr
@Huawei_Canada @avelshi #Huawei , #PRC COMMIES & a fmr #StephenHarper #PMO Staffer who got his start peddling the #CPC #EthicalOil non-sense! Why am I not surprise with CONs openly selling themselves as #NationalSecurity #Traitors these days? 😋 #SATIRE #cdnpoli #5G #Spying