They wear to protect paws from stinging & trudge & crackle through new snow, stomped beneath boots, but still colored by the fairy lights. & always the thought of sweet pie in their minds.
(Pic my own from Inktober2019)

2 15

Quagga has been practicing her knitting. She’s perfected scarves and leg warmers, but only in dull greys. She for new wool: would do perfectly; she’s sure it matches her coat best. Perhaps Sheep will come to her

2 9

Llama knows it’s all about hair. combs only, if you please, & regular shampooing. None of that muck, dear, only natural organic concoctions. For full effect, maintain a posture while the wind tussles your fab locks

2 10

Kudu knows he’s his macho reputation, but he can’t stop reading his chic lit novels at evening tea (with the Ouma rusk, of course). Besides, perceptions are changing, & would you just look at that glorious sunset

2 13

The quaint crusader,
in an old patchwork cape,
was last on the scene again,
in a quest to protect,
the downtrodden,
the curious,
and arcane

3 6

Hawk was given a button with a heart on it today, and he’s sure it’s made of It’s precious, anyway, because it symbolizes the day he decided he wasn’t going to be he was Hawk, and he was going to donate blood. And he did.

2 12

Egret has finally opened his dream restaurant. The others questioned his choice of furniture & wallpaper, but his one of a specialty - curry scooped into the of a loaf of bread - has been exceptionally popular

1 15

She would forfeit hope
for her wanderlust
to feel each delicious high

Chancing peril if she must
rescuing herself by and by

Bound to no one’s emotional trust
with her wild nature she will comply


7 28

"Who are you."
"I'm Death."
"Who am I?"
"This is confusing, I know. I'm a concept myself, sort of."
"You're sentient, yay! But dead, boo! Everyone is switching to LED. You were neon lighting."
"Must you flicker? Oh, rude words. Well that's infantile but fair."

4 10

With his hat in one hand and the other scratching his head the feeble stood in the courtyard looking up at the sky. The knights, the priests, and the cooks sooned joined him. The jester told them he lost his in the clouds. All left displeased to waste time.

1 4

For we are sin
You will burn
Under our most
Tender touch

Unwilling to meet
The deathly gaze
In our wild eyes

Your holy water
An elusive balm

Even as you try
You cannot pull away
For we are sin


8 24

I see charm in dreams,
wonders we tread
no matter how weary
the hope in our wounds,
fusing divides
before falls inhibit
going support,
catching dires
to create an "it"
needed to triumph
sleepless art.
Peace is wise there.

6 42

The hunger returns, so intense I must dissociate myself from present company. In their stupidity, society would paint me a parody of a monster, a nefarious creature teetering between God and darkness.


6 17

Each time you go
the hangs heavier
With footprints of your care
You taught how to love
You told how to dare.

3 10

"Wooo...oh, come on. How inconsiderate."
"Nobody thinks about me!"
"I'm dead?"
"Take that look off your face. You were obviously trying to steal an egg."
"Come on! Before I lose a femur. Phoenix snappy feathered swines!"
"Argh, get off!"

2 3

In the diamond mist of snow
a cuteness flutters in daydream
the soft velocity of angelic wings
the whispers of flowery weeds
judge nothing they just let
the wind blow the snow magically
all across another sunny morning
blinding Spring

3 8

Sounds of restlessness fill the room
My sheets struggle with me
Tossing and turning
I’m only wrapping myself up in insomnia

1 15

"I can't believe it. He stood me up AGAIN!!"

"I will build a around your heart."

"Please stop quoting old Sting songs...This is serious!"

2 6