Better late then never for As final project for my first year I worked on the level for our game MarbleGround Construct. Unfortunately haven't saved any in-between progress shots besides the blockout and the final version.

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Been a little busy, but I am jumping back into the Hub world layout. Now to flesh out the vendor area on the left and Library area on the right. I changed the middle area a ton will place in soon!

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AaaaAHAHah God, its sos ccccccold

Just a preview of MAP04, thank you so much for looking at my project y'all! I never expected this many people to pay attention to it!

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Mistigram: this half-squid half-girl, drawn in for s' daily drawing challenge by , is undoubtedly involved in something truly shocking and perhaps even scandalous... but the details of precisely just w…

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Small level I've made in 2 days, thanks to a Dishonored template gave by one of our LD Teacher (from Arkane of course !)

really cool small project !

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Day 22: Ghost Story/Beholder

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Treasure Coordinates /// ::::::::::::::::::::::::::

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Map 12 for my project is finished! It will require you to be a pig and fight monsters in that weak state! I find it very tough myself, and hope that continous play will soften the difficulty here a bit.

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Day 20: Facial Expression/Chupacabra. I didn't even know what a chupacabra was.

4 29

Back to the drawing board. After talking to one of my lecturers I've changed topic completely! So here's a blockout for a little garden shed/summerhouse that reminds me of my mum!

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