Só acho q tá na hora de normalizarmos falar q as mulheres da Disney SÃO fortes e diversas há BASTANTE tempo e q esse é um legado lindo q eles estão mantendo. Título de realeza não importa quando se trata de personagens inspiradoras, me deixa triste ver o estigma q o termo ganhou.

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— bandeira ace.

conceito: assexuais (infelizmente) ainda sofrem muito preconceito, então, desenhei uma personagem livre desses estigmas, que vive num mar de calmaria, alheia a quem lhe ouse julgar.💜

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We need to break through the stigmas surrounding mental illness. Use your voices -together we can change the way mental health is viewed across the world.

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creo que no es que les desagrade el furry, si no la fama y los malos estigmas de su fandom, no soy furry pero me hice una fursona, por que pensandolo bien, no esta mal el concepto

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- Capítulo 9


La estigmatización de las mujeres como “Brujas”

Durante siglos, las mujeres fueron adquiriendo, recopilando y transmitiendo profundos conocimientos médicos y farmacológicos relacionados con las plantas medicinales.

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De hecho, la mayoría de nuestros personajes rompen todo tipo de estigmas, puedes establecer relaciones con casi todos.

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Eu amo tanto essa tattoo/estigma da Al.
Desde que a criei, é a única coisa que nunca mudei nela.

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As we go through this pandemic, we have seen some instances of stigmatization and discrimination especially, to our medical front liners.

Just like our motto with HIV, we promote to


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"He asked what I do for a livin, and I said psychotherapy, which isn' a complete lie, yannow? An' he just got all weird n' squirmy, which is the exact reason why we gotta destigmatize mental health for the genoral populace. N e way, a course I stabbed him fur that-"

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Thank you to my amazing friends and family who supported me in getting help for / today which can impact my physical & mental health. You are the foundation that keeps me strong - I love you all.

Art by Keida Arts

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Taking a Break
Hellpoint: The Thespian Feast




Which 4 games [or less] are you playing right now as well?

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No, es q se dejo hundir por su religión política de desato de la desinhibición sexual, lo cual contamino su forma de escribir, ya no hace historias, hace propaganda, tanto así q ya la ha estigmatizado por ello, con justa razón.Ya no es una creativa, es una propagandista descarada https://t.co/cpGcj0VbTM

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Destigmatizing mental health: This is my painting about my anxiety and overcoming the feelings of overwhelm and panic: Breathe.

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To all my friends and monks who are destigmatizing mental illness

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Don't forget to drop by our HIV Satellite Testing Booth with this UP Fair from 4PM-12MN to know your status for FREE!


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“Daily Routine “ digital illustration about feeling overwhelmed and taking my medication and the difference it creates.

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