Lots of subtropical moisture in the form of an atmospheric river is approaching Finland tonight.

The source areas of the moisture are in the subtropical Atlantic.

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Models expect the upper trough over GOM to dredge moisture northward out of central America, leading to a potential TC near eastern Mexico in a couple days. Northward track means rainfall could get into Texas even if track goes into MX. Uncertainty high until something coalesces.

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NorCal weather set-up for Thu/Fri is reminiscent of previous Sept thunderstorm events. Key ingredients include offshore low pressure system & mid-level subtropical moisture tap. Very light showers possible, but main concern remains dry (or nearly so) lightning.

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Moisture from Ida will move through the area Wed-Thu. Good chance for some soaking rain

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The blue buddies! Moisture masters, if you will.


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Summer may be halfway over, but it sure is still hot! Lots of rain too! Luckily, the critters drawn out by the moisture give Lenali and Neptu a way to enjoy themselves despite the weather!

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Hello. Remember to stay hydrated!

But keep that moisture and wetness away from books. So that they survive longer. Paper gets damaged easily. They will break when subject to certain harsh conditions. Not too dissimilar to humans. Albeit, more fragile.

Anyway! Have a great day!

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A decent surge of moisture will move into the Four Corners region today through early next week. Some significant rainfall amounts in the higher elevations of AZ. Flash flood threat will increase. The rain is helping to improve the drought. (1/2).

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More monsoon soon? Mid-upper level moisture view shows upper level feature moving through that may trigger shower/isolated thunder into early Monday. Pattern looks favorable for another westward drift of mid-level moisture and shower chances later next wknd as well.

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Not so much of a fear, more of a hindrance.

When a good majority of your weapons are stamp-based, too much moisture tends to get rid of any effectiveness it initially had or make them too sticky to function properly.

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ドライアイ日記(?)いつもだと、深夜時間帯は目が開けづらい状態なんですが、鼻息保湿と花粉対策眼鏡でちょっとだけマシになりました!本当は「JINS MOISTURE」てやつが欲しかったのですが売り切れで買えず~😭生産終了なのだろうか。

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【Moisture Content】
Green bean moisture content in specialty coffee usually varies from 10-12%. Coffee that is too high or too low in moisture will not maintain its quality.

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Some light rain fell in Tucson during the past hour - just enough to wet the pavement. Though it may seem like the early arrival of it is not. Twin low-pressure centers off northern California and over northern Mexico are steering Pacific moisture our way.

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moisture loving plant

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Available moisture looks to approach 200% of normal this weekend as an atmospheric river impacts the Pacific Northwest. Steadiest rain Saturday night through Sunday. Humid on Sunday, too

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New ARB seasonal lines

“Rain makes me troubled since it’ll damage my leather shoes. At least I’m mostly inside a car, but I can’t choose to have indoor crime scene”

“At this time of the year, the moisture level is high, it dampens my spirit too…”

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New ARB seasonal lines

“Shit, it just keeps raining lately… The moisture makes my clothes sticky, it’s awful”

“Don’t feel down just because it’s raining! Should I give you a pep talk?”

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