an Apex predator capable of taking the throne from Tyrannosaurus rex himself, a predator larger than the Giganotosaurus, a predator just as intelligent as humans

8 17

Keratin doesn’t fossilize well at all, why we recently just found out edmontosaurus had quite the beak instead of the duck bill we’re so familiar with.
It has to be the perfect conditions for those to stick around/be mummified

0 1

SMIL-ing through the pain? A specimen of the Triassic phytosaur shows evidence of extensive bone fractures and healing consistent with In this diagram, all the indicated bones had some kind of fracture!

3 7

Pathfinder 2e has a T-Rex, brontosaurus, and mammoth at CR 10 and hippos are only CR 5. Excuse me? A mammoth? More dangerous than a hippo? I'd like to speak to the manager

The "behemoth hippopotamus" is CR 10. Way too low. Decent pic tho...

0 1

I made an edmontosaurus. :)

23 212

Species Confirmed In The Footage So Far!

In Order Of Picture: Moros Intrepidus, Giganotosaurus and Dreadnoughtus.

Still Waiting To Find Out The Other Four Dinosaurs In The Scene!

3 37

Meet this cute, sub-adult Tenontosaurus nicknamed "April"! She was collecting dust in drawers of Manchester University for decades. My colleagues & me took part in project "Assembling April" which got this wonderfully preserved baby out of the closet.

78 375

Edmontosaurus - I spent a few weeks in a field course working in a bonebed of this dinosaur last month! Favourite find was a fibula the size of a hockey stick

44 360

Some of you may have seen this reveal early on Gabriel Ugueto's social media last week (if you don't follow him, I highly recommend it.) But for those who may have missed it, here is the package art for the upcoming Beasts of the Mesozoic Proceratosaurus figure!

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Apatosaurus having a sit, painted for

160 1115

Sketches of Sinornithosaurus, Edaphosaurus, Pachycostasaurus and Tenontosaurus from last night's Flocking Together on

13 78

Results from the
Sinornithosaurus, Edaphosaurus, Pachycostasaurus and Tenontosaurus.

85 415

this is why we're heading to brontosaurus island

125 1489

I am almost done with this Proceratosaurus piece. I am thinking about lowering the ginkgo branch in the foreground a bit and there are details to refine. It’s not been easy to work on this piece because I am working on several difficult pieces at the same time right now

421 2018

Illustration for another re-gened dinosaurs-amongst-us novel, Primitive Wars by Ethan Pettus. Features Pachyrhinosaur v Carchardondontosaurus. Setting is the Maiombe forests of Angola, hence the sable antelope.

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