The fiends await the arrival of the treacherous gods. But, for how much longer? As the fingers of the empress itch with war, she prepares her troops among the 9 circles. For when the moment to show her fangs finally comes.

3 14

Governments feed the media with misinformation and stereotype minority groups, scapegoating them as ‘the problem’. They do this to stay in power. Get rid of the Trump government and change the message - the bigots out.

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With only a tiny portion of the sea explored, many pirates sail its treacherous waters to discover its riches for themselves. But when they plunge into tendril clad tempests, the veneration they had for wealth is crushed under the hand of black waters gods.

2 9

Pied Piper

He was known as the ‘Pied Piper’—a to some & others a taboo.
A fixture in the parish like the on a tattoo. His music was a melting pot of superstitions—a of shadows whistling, sitting, waiting, & wishing.✍🏽#bravewrite

1 7

My legs are tired from peddling down this river—a mix of tears & ink that saved me in earlier days. Their goal may be warm but inexperience misleads. Smiles are invigorating when they're not solely a choice.

7 48

& ever onward
Loudly chants
The marching hoard

As darkness
A black & fjord

It’s rumored
There are monsters
& pirate ships
To board

The Writers Army
Vellum shields
& pens for swords

Their stories
Light the darkness
Until it is
No more

13 90

All my words
went quiet
I listen to trees
laughing in sunshine
softly falling leaves
whispers of sea
drawing waves
on sand at seaside
feel immense ocean
breathing for me
wind’s salty fingers
combing my hair
and I almost
can hear
quiet hum
of lost syllables


38 191

Tales speak of a particular corner of the nether realm where the seemingly ordinary takes horrific shapes that transcend our understanding of reality. Many call it a dream. I call it a nightmare.

3 22

Otto Dix’s art reflected the fear, horror & the human cost of WWI. This saw the routine use of chemicals & the increased use of the to fight. His art illustrates “man’s inhumanity to man”. The 3rd Reich glorified such warfare so declared him & his art degenerate

3 11

"You could say we're experimental cogs in the devil's machinery but we don't belabour in revenge. It's unbecoming," Gigi said. "Like the spellbound expression when I discarded your beau's phone in the driveway. As if it were an augury of good to come."

6 63

Society is a an ugly, noisy beast whose sole purpose is to keep lumbering forward.

4 31

Initiate neural mapping
Imprint is complete
Fusion bio techno

Suffused in surreal beauty
An intoxicating shroud
What lies beneath is deadly
If I were you
I wouldn’t stick

0 10

The inferno is guarded heavily by fiendish warriors who capture restless spirits and disperse them into the River Styx. To be turned into bloated monstrosities. Without minds. Without spirits any longer. As they travel the fiery hellscapes. Alone.

0 12

The 18th century was hot heyday in London’s coffeehouse culture, where the beverages were a catalyst for culture, politics & passions. Served spiced with cinnamon, sugar, vanilla, chilli, rosewater, honey, pepper, jasmine or even ambergris (🤢)

1 8

Little Black Girl

✍️🏽...trying to in a White school—I ran many relay races on track—talking smack and winning plaques. was my track team—the baton that we tossed---felt like wild on the run—winning at all costs.

0 4

Why in death do we mourn?
Yet in life we can ignore
Surely love is pure
When you are kind warm towards the living.

0 5

sing to me
with sultry lips
break the silence
with passions lust
across my ribboned sky

sing to me
in lavender nights
where naked sin
flows freely

sing to me
as poets do
with whiskey lips
in solitude
and dawn weaves
its truth

15 50

Kandinsky composed with paint. He believed that colours represented notes.
So you can his paintings?
I suppose so, if you knew the correct order.
Hmmm perhaps he left a clue?
Not again, Professor Langdon not everything is code or cypher
You would say that Cailleach

1 7

we songs releasing
no longer repiecing
torn skin of drums
frnds frmed
in formative yrs
speech schoolnote folded
injoke coded
twintalk in tongues
laughter tears
aftr fear yrs
as teen sages
parchment scribed w/ages
know wrds by heart
as all our songs r sung

11 69


People can always teach you two things; ”what to do—and what not to do.” Nothing is ever when the mind is clear and the of valor authenticates the heart over the

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