Under the sea: at about 65 ft below, the sun was making every particle of white sand glow like a tiny pearl.


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Frank has many weapons from pym particles, weapons that destroyed rhino's armor, to magic bullets that go through magic barriers. Frank has beaten in hand to hand combat daredevil, wolverine, captain america, deadpool, bullseye. One batch two batch penny and dime

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Dance of colors No. 18...
Particles 0f light have met with numerous lines, solids and dimensions.
The result was a quantum. Later, human's intervent...


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Dance of colors No. 13...
Particles 0f light have met with numerous lines, solids and dimensions.
The result was a quantum. Later, human's intervent...


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Particles Sculpture 12
Particles Sculpture 12


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Under the sea: at about 65 ft below, the sun was making every particle of white sand glow like a tiny pearl.


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Presently I'm trying to master a particle system, as you see... very-very slowly, with mediocre result.
Really, I don't care about quality of this I don't have much subscribers or watchers, anyway (︶︿︶) And this is only a humble personal sketch blog.

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I tried to replicate a ‘filtering of dust particles in the air’ effect but it looks more like ‘god’s glitter fart assault’

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Under the sea: at about 65 ft below, the sun was making every particle of white sand glow like a tiny pearl.


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New bet! If I hit 1.1k by the end of august (within 3 days) I’ll draw every reply as a little enderman particle/soot sprite! Reply if you want a little accessory too :D
Capping at 40 and you must be following! Below are some example of what it will look like <33

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Exofest Day 1

Lots of particles, lots of Michirus, got to share a hat with and started a Dream - Mask chain

Overall an absolute blast!

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Psio-spheres are said to be particles of the Aegises and are also capable of growing and evolving. 😌

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particle abyss 2․0 — by griper00

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Today, we released some music - A LOT of music! Today we released our 3rd full-length album called ‘Particles’ and couldn’t be more excited about it.

We are so grateful for all of your love, patience, and support.

You can listen to it here: https://t.co/ja21U1sb9B

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Quartzmon's power came from the Gypt Particles, that are generated from absorbed data in the Great Evil Globe.

Its true body can act independly from the Great Evil Globe and alter its appearence.

Its goal is the data of the entire world.

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ranboos (chat) particles idk

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Under the sea: at about 65 ft below, the sun was making every particle of white sand glow like a tiny pearl.


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