These were the games that defined the for me. I discovered Fire Emblem for the 1st time, returned to PKMN after a long hiatus, saw Sakurai bring new life to Pit, & enjoyed the long awaited next SMT entry. Streetpassing at cons & the Miiverse were fun.

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¡Hoy se cumplen 13 años del lanzamiento de

Desarollado nuevamente por Dimps y el Sonic Team para la
Nos ofreció una nueva aventura ambientada en la dimensión de Blaze, mientras navegamos en sus mares y luchamos contra piratas robots.

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Questi sono solo alcuni dei nostri RPG preferiti per I vostri quali sono?

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Thank you to the 3DS for helping to revitalize my love for Nintendo, and for helping me to discover games I'd never normally play like Fire Emblem and Metroid.


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Since the 3DS has been discontinued I just wanted to show off some of my favorite games on the system

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console tan designs - Nintendo handheld edition (and whatever Virtual Boy's considered)

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Some Yo Kai Watch fanart! 👻 I’ve been wanting this game for a very long time and I finally got it from a second hand store! It’s really fun!🌟

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