Pneumatic diverticula between the dorsal processes of dicraeosaurids (& tons of other sauropods) is not speculative at all.

Also, dissect a bird. Diverticula right beneath the skin are all over the place, often for no clear reason (other than maybe streamlining).

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For starters, we have the presence of inflatable air-sacks/pronounced soft tissue on sauropod necks, a purely speculative feature that has seen a fair degree of prominence in the more esoteric palaeontological circles.

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Sauropods with weird throat sacs just feels right

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It works because modern humans have seen more elephants than sauropods, so elephant feet look right to them. But medieval people had seen more horses than elephants, so they were just like “yeah, like big horse-pigs with hooves, cool, I understand”

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i'm glad they fixed it but i wish they went with one of many cool fucked up sauropods as inspiration instead of. jurassic world toy ankylosaur

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At a maximum estimate of 46 meters in length, Barosaurus lentus is one of the longest sauropods to have lived.

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Someday i'll have the drive to do more content things in this profile. But well that's why it is a hobby.

Until then i present you Smol Zard. Or Zor. What is it looking at? Idk, Sauropods.
Credits to:
It's absolutely beautiful

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its similar! i do like to draw the infected sauropod a lot tho and other dinos similar to it

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Ohmdenosaurus! This cute lil bugger is barely taller than a person, so small for a sauropod! 😍

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An's radiant, cool, cool, AND sauropods are awesome! :)

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Another crop from my Jehol biota mural for the in Minneapolis: The four-winged dromaeosaur Microraptor swoops down from a tree as a herd of the sauropod Dongbeititan browse in the background.

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Anyways here are some big bois, Mexamian Tropius and Gigantropic, fakemon based on the dragonfruit (which I found out a couple of days ago is from Mexico), and of course on sauropods

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Mamenchisaurus is maybe better known BUT LOOK AT THIS THING!!! Xinjiangtitan is an absolute monster of a sauropod, especially when it comes to it's neck.

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Cary Woodruff () was a great leader on this project! We also had two veterinarians—Ewan Wolff (also a paleopathologist) & Sophie Dennison (imaging specialist), plus Matt Wedel (sauropod air sac expert, ). I'm proud to have been included!

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Congrats to our friend, on the publication of this new paper! Eagle-eyed readers of Cary’s book with , Sauropods, will have noticed the coughing Diplodocus. Check out the new open access paper for the full story!

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Une infection respiratoire diagnostiquée chez un dinosaure! Une première! Souffrant d'une probable aérosacculite (infection des sacs aeriens), ce sauropode du Jurassique devait avoir des difficultés respiratoires, tousser, éternuer et avoir de la fièvre...

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NEW PAPER DAY! After A LONG TIME in the works, I want to share with you all the VERY 1ST CASE of an avian-style RESPIRATORY INFECTION in a non-avian DINOSAUR! You heard me right readers – AND IT’S IN A

(Ewan Wolff, Matt Wedel, Sophie Dennison, & )

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Nouvelle espèce de dinosaure sauropode dans les Pyrénées espagnoles! Decrit 60 ans apres sa decouverte, Abditosaurus kuehnei (le lézard oublié de Kühne, son découvreur en 1954) vivait il y a 70,5 millions d'années et mesurait ~ 17m de long pour 14 tonnes.

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