Asasiel is a powerful Lyran lightbeing who serves as Ashtar's avatar in the upcoming SKY GODZ graphic novel.

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Anunnaki royal scientist Nin, sister of Enki and half-sister of Enlil, is one of the smartest and most likeable characters.

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Early sketch of Anunnaki security officer Emmer from the Maputo Base in South Africa.


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Cryptid post! I've been fascinated by cryprids for a long time but never understood the connection between various snowmen abd UFOs. Do you get it?


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Beings from Alnitak (Orion Belt) are members of the Orion League to fight against the oppression of the Orion Empire.

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The classic anime soace opera "Legend of Galactic Heroes" is an epic influence on SKY GODZ.


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カリフォルニア州のギャラリーNUCLEUSが11月にWAYNE BARLOWE展を開催!

異星人図鑑『Barlowe's Guide to Extraterrestrials』や同ファンタジー版『Barlowe’s Guide to Fantasy』で知られるウェイン・ダグラス・バーロウは『アバター』『パシフィック・リム』等の映画仕事も。

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Light beings from the planet Teka in the Lyras constellation are angelic and peacful before being destroyed on the Great Lyran Wars.

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I'm Poldi, and I love pink and purple, extraterrestrials and lasagne.
Oh and I'm also an Illustrator 💜👽🖖

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Huitzilopchtli is the the god of war and the sun in Aztec mythology. He's also the patron god of the Mexicas...

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Horus, son of Isis and Osiris, made it his mission to revenge his father's murder by Seth and regain reign over lower Egypt.

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