March 23, 1998, Doppio’s Bizarre Adventure Chapter 543 “My Name Is Doppio, Part 2” was released!

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Resident Evil games living rent free in my heart since 1998, the year I first played RE2!!

Happy 25th Anniversary! 🥳🎉

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Some of this week’s extracurricular digital drawings — THE AVENGERS ‘98 (very fine if much maligned), Daryl Zero of ZERO EFFECT (also from 1998, coincidentally), a wonderfully bizarre Composite Superman toy, and the progression of pulp’s wild child, The SPIDER🕷

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Who Mourns 4 Morn.
Circa 1998, colorized.

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Happy Birthday Remus Lupin!

Remus was born in 1960, so if he would have survived the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998, today he would be turning 62.

by Makani

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I wanted to share some nostalgia/cringe from back when I was 17! This is a fan letter I got published in the great Savage Dragon from 1998, when I dreamed of hopefully getting to one day become a professional comic artist.

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February 23, 1998, JoJo’s Manga Chapter 539 “Spice Girl, Part 1” was released

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Metal Slug 2 released in arcades today in 1998, 23 years ago.

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Been in a sailor moon kinda mood, so time for a screencap redraw (sort of). I did a drawing based on this screencap from "Ami's First Love" back in 1998, and decided to give it another go.

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That and I've gone grass since 1998, toss up between sceptile and decidueye bonus points for torterra just becuase of how stupid he'd look in smash

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: En 1998, l'éditeur Manga Player (qui deviendra plus tard PIKA) édite un titre du mangaka B'TX.

Ce de l'auteur de totalise 16 tomes, l'intégralité du titre a été éditée en France.

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: Il y'a 23 ans, en 1998, l'éditeur proposé pour la première fois en France le premier tome de de Takeshi MAEKAWA. Nous aurons droit seulement qu'à 12T sur les 35 que compte le

A quand une réédition ?

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Today in 1998, released the epic

In ’s about it, she writes: “The songs stick to one narrow key, the images repeat and circle back, and to listen is to be absorbed into a singular, heart-rending vision.”

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On this day in 1998, Neutral Milk Hotel released their second studio album “In the Aeroplane Over the Sea” featuring the single “Holland, 1945"

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February 2, 1998, JoJo’s Golden Wind Manga Chapter 97 “Notorious B.I.G, Part 4” was released!

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Happy anniversary to the most important RPG in my life. If it wasn't for my dad introducing me to FF7 in 1998, I would have probably kept playing Sonic. Thank goodness.

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