From his tremulous grins came to be dashing red rivers, tackling cowards walking storms in tiger's skin & whisking their failing feet to where rave lights flickered 'tween forest shadows. Party favours for the hungry they'd pillaged.

9 60

potential’s sweet stream
infusing your destiny
while innocence breathes
fertile hopeful memories
no matter child~dare to dream

know that you are love
play learn grow be kind don’t hate
spread peace little dove🕊

55 233

Heart versus mind...
Precarious pendulum
I won't wait for hello
How about a kiss
All my heroes are dangerous
Let me feel
Your pounding strength

21 51

One in the hand
Is better than two in
If you're chickenshit.

artist Edna Mae, "Chicken and Roosters Farm"

2 9

In my village, the legend speaks of a that lives in the forest.

Every solstice a virgin is offered to the troll so that he would leave the village alone. No one has ever returned.

This time I was chosen. It's time to fullfill my duty.

2 15

Sunsets, like childhood, are viewed with wonder not just because they are beautiful but because they are fleeting.
R. Evans

20 98

desire died
now there is only thirst
my lonely grave awaits
with immortality cursed
I taste the dead with each bite
yet savor the sanity death brings

the madness first light

10 29

I come alive
In the beauty of her smile
I disappear
Every time she's not near

She sighs
My melancholy awakens
She dreams
By sleep I am taken

Her elegance is my joy
In her I delight
She is quite simply
The love of my life

4 21

With this blade, together we shall live your dreams & survive your nightmares. In a kiss, I will your & fill the void with light. Even now, as your flesh falls to ruin, I will dance with your until dawn steals your last breath.

2 6

The suffusion of his evil spread thru her. A refulgence, it split the dark of night. Her head took on a volution of its own and she held no pity for the church’s folly. One by one the frocked fools' souls were devoured.

🎞️The Exorcist

4 10

She was never truly alone, the of her past saw to that.

1 5

It’s really crucial
To recognize the proper
Amount of

35 197

Just discovered which challenges participants to write a tweet-sized short story based on a daily word prompt ( Today's: DARKNESS. My super-story w/remaining chars + art:

Without the dark
we cannot see
the light.

8 57

She stood alone on the precipice, ignoring the necromancer. Her lover left her to die of a broken heart, now they wanted to know why she taken her life. She wanted peace. Her foot left the ledge as she whispered, "All is forgiven."

5 19

we were a clockwork couple
arms embraced
in choreographed gestures
of love

trapped by words
and caged phrases
our bodies bowed
in elegant lines of sorrow

but our carved metal trees
warp to form that bridge
for the children in us longing
to touch & heal

21 84

Keep close to Nature's heart...and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.
John Muir

17 82

I'll put my left arm in,
My left arm out..
A of my
But what's that all about?
I'll use my O.D.M gear
To turn around.
Cos that's what it's all about😉

1 11

Witchcraft is dirty~grave dirt&bones. The caricature of witches is worst part. I've never had a wart on my nose, nor my sisters. We’re wicked when we dress up, flaunt sweet youth & beauty. Confounds the hell out of witchhunters. Join our coven?

3 15

Our bones may be scarred and dying pieces of us may be scattered across the skies, but I know we've penetrated each other's thoughts in such a way that the earth will remain stained with light's blood below the murderous charcoal clouds.

8 53

She said "Say I love you or get your dick chopped off"

I snook out at & ran for the border
Nevertheless, I was blocked in

How did I get into a relationship with a mental disorder

I loved the 70's but
She was just another flower child basket case

0 5