# artistontwitter artwork japaneseculture folklore digitalart artistatalenthouse sketchbook sketch characterdesigner doraemon dorayaki duniadoraemon nobitanobi sewashinobi manga fairytail animeart animedrawing artoftheday pencildrawing maids maidcafe japan メイド喫茶 メイドカフェ メイド かわいい チェキ smashcon 1monthaway anime anisong mythology fox meianmaidcafe 七十二候 二十四節気 小満 インスタ ipad illustration イラスト 暦生活 ほしろみ暦イラスト 公家イヌ ちょうちょ japaneseclass bonodori noh mask behindthemask ymo ilustração 墨汁 ink インク つの イラストレーター illustrateur 台東区 artisan 職人 下町 shitamachi lejapon 立夏 蛙始鳴 日本の暦 旧暦 月のリズム ニコン frog nikond5100 happy childrensdayinjapan carpshapedstreamers sweetflagbath iphonephoto stonepainting 石にお絵かき こどもの日 菖蒲湯 端午の節句 水彩絵の具 アナログイラスト 抹茶 茶の湯 chanoyu 武家茶道 武家茶道石州流 茶道 石州流 matcha 日本文化 伝統文化 teaceremony matchaholic greentea niigata matsuri 祭り 子供 書道 書道アート calligraphy japanesecalligraphy かめはめ波 霊丸 今日こそ 必殺技 アニメ ジャンプ もちくん 日本っていいね テレビ朝日 林修の今でしょ 食べ合わせ 腹持ちがいい 健康 餅好き 和菓子好き 幸せふくらむ mochikun mochi celga cel cell celluloid animecel animecell animation animationcel animationcell traditionalanimation art cellart painting otaku arale aralenorimaki drslump doctorslump shonen masasoda illustrator drawing pastwork judo training mydiscoveries juliencohen museeguimet samurai samourai exposition museum antiquefind samuraiarmor armor antiquearmor samurais japon paris mangafan mangas geek geeks sam

Our exclusive photoshoot pictures are available to buy! You wouldn't miss out on a Legendary item, would you? ^_~ One of a kind! 🎮

🌍 We ship worldwide! 🌍


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We're only 1 month away from SMASH! and we're getting ready to give you all an experience you'll never forget.
Let us know how you'll be preparing for SMASH! this year!

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みなさま、with the most recent event at Random Encounter, I ranked up!! (*´꒳`*) I’m now an A-rank maid!! ✨⚔️ I do believe, in this land, this is what they call being a senpai!! (•̀ω•́)و✨🌸💕

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Safflowers Bloom - Japan's 72 Microseasons 【日本の暦 】紅花栄 (5/26〜5/31) 紅花が咲き誇る頃
詳しくは で🐶 https://t.co/vnj9AfHmKw

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This year, Bon Odori event will be held as follows:
Date  : Saturday 20th July 2019
Time  : 7:00pm to 9:30pm (Tentative)
Venue  : Kompleks Sukan Negara Shah Alam (Panasonic)

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*First kiss* - This illustration is part of a series of Japanese children for an exhibition in The first one takes place during a the Japanese traditional festivals.

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🇯🇵3月『March』(弥生 やよい)#日本文化 

『Cherry blossom』=『Sakura』(桜)
wiki▶︎ https://t.co/XeRoKfE8Ts

wiki▶︎ https://t.co/ydmhEex1G5

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🇯🇵2月『February』(如月 きさらぎ)#日本文化 

『Japanese bush warbler』=『Uguisu』(ウグイス)
wiki▶︎ https://t.co/aNn0z7u0Vd

『Prunus mume』=『Ume』(梅)
wiki▶︎ https://t.co/N4UUJumxWn

wiki▶︎ https://t.co/ydmhEex1G5

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