At the train station the first time in four months.

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Hello! These are some of my recent artworks. I’m a self-taught artist who does trad and digital artworks. I love urbansketching, but im always exploring art styles 😬🙌🏻 my moments and ig are linked below:

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Laivayhtiön talon (Hämeenpuisto 6) sisäpihan puolta, Mustanlahden suunnalta nähtynä siis. Viivat kuulakärkikynällä ja värit iPadillä. / Loose on-site sketch of an Art Nouveau building located in central designed by Birger Federley.

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Rita Stabler encourages us to use our to as a witness to change

Read more in this month's

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rakennus, johon tiivistyy mun Tampereeni. On aina ollut hienoa, miten kaupunkilaiset kunnioittavat pääkirjastoaan – sekä itse rakennusta että sen henkeä. / Sketch of Metso, the main library of designed by Raili and Reima Pietilä. Ink on paper.

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If you love the city of and appreciate good art, then this is a worthwhile read!
takes readers on a tour of the city with a novel technique:

Available here:

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