Particle effects, debugging, and spikes -- what more could a Thursday hold?

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more Ruby and a Jack for height comparison, not sure if I should try tackling the hair with particles or just use curves like normal 🤔

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After this was the "First Details" phase, where I put in basic particle effects, post processing, that kind of thing. This was obviously about the time came on board because I freaked out about how long it was taking.

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Did some color adjustments and added some particle effects~

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「Particle Arts」理論値!!!

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Found a super simple way to create that flowy topo spliney typo effect with X-particles.

Bool some type with a landscape object
Emit particles on surface
Flow Field - Surface Tangent, use booled landscape surface
Trail those particles

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learned how to add point lights and collision to particles in unity, very excited of the possibilities. I cant record things cause they always end up laggy and ugly lol

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Meissp (Smisp's 2nd evo): Once it's body gotten larger their appearance changed. Meissp can create stars and used them for combat which uses it's energy (stored in its hand). It replenishes its energy by eating more but a large amount of particles

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Smisp: a small yokai whose body is entirely made of nebula gas. It loves to eat gas/dust particles (aka their favorite food). Everytime Smisp ate the particles, it's body grew.


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Do you know a trick of using Particles + Explode Modifier that simply "breaks" surface into this random planes? It resembles armor of some sort, or cloth like fabric. Each fabric can then use Tissue.

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I am often asked "what is an N95 respirator?" Briefly & plainly, it is a mask that is certified to trap 95% of particular particles. Many also trap viruses.

IT IS NOT a filter with holes too small for viruses to enter. you could not breathe through that. Read more here. 4/n

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3 Images, First is the particle effect that does the swap and that it lasts for 15 seconds, hence death timers need to be long enough (eg Level 6) to see it swap back, 2nd is the base texture and last is the death texture.

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After 3 days of work, I finally finished my model of Ori! I plan on using this in VRChat a bit, and maybe learning particles and/or animations with this

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Bruegel used azurite, a blue copper-containing mineral, in The Wedding Dance. Azurite is similar to ultramarine but slightly greener and more affordable. The exact tone depends on its grade—the larger the particle size, the higher the quality and bluer it is!

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I wrote about some of the most influential papers that have ~made waves~ in particles, fields, and cosmology in the last 50 years for mag. Read about the universe expanding🌌, neutrinos⚛️, and gravitational waves🌊:

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Another day on aerosol Earth. Produced in real time, the Goddard Earth Observing System calculates the presence of types of aerosols, tiny solid particles and liquid droplets, as they circulate above the entire planet.🤯🥺👇
Cr: Joshua Stevens

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So we found the pipes and one of them says Enrichment Particles? Jaime touched the black gooey substance even though I told him not to!

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