SCOTTOBER DAY 16: Lord Odivere
A monster of a different kind. Lord Odivere is entirely human, a terrible husband, making an oath to Odin to hypnotise a woman into loving him

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SCOTTOBER DAY 14: The hag of darkness
Going across battlefields and graveyards, she sinks her long tooth into corpses, transforming them into zombies.

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Redcaps are mine dwellers. Their hats and clothes are dyed in their preys blood so that the smell of copper can help them blend into their surroundings

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Pech’s are hench little dudes that helped built and carry the monuments and even mountains of Scotland in the ancient past. Even a pinch from a Pech can shatter steel.

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The Finmen disguise their fins with magic and trade amongst regular humans. They have a nasty side to them, blinding anyone who manages to see their fins with powder.

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SCOTTOBER DAY 10: Nuckalavee
The wickedest and most evil of all fairies. The Nuckalavee is an invincible beast which crawls out the sea and breathes a plague.

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SCOTTOBER DAY 9: Assipattle Assipattle is the laziest and strongest of his siblings. He used his laziness to kill the stoor worm in the least exhausting way. Work smarter, not harder.

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Music loving little men of Shetland and Orkney. Their love of music drives them to kidnap musicians and force them to perform.

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SCOT-TOBER DAY 7: The Rhynie man
Found on an old Pictish stone. It’s unknown wether he is a god, a creature, a demon or a local figure. Whoever they are, they were fearsome.

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🌙🦦gonna skip around my prompt list as much as I want nyahaha!
naptime!! 🦦🌙

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I've been saving reposting this for / / / / / Whatever you want to call it

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SCOTTOBER DAY 6: Life and death
Life and death take the forms of a ram with colours in all the wrong places and an old man with 12 eye.

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SCOT-TOBER Day 5: Blue men of the Minch.
The blue men challenge all sailors in their waters to a battle of rhymes. If the sailors prove witty enough, they are allowed to pass.

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Free Ottober Great Pumpkin YCH! Just comment a ref, I'll be doing these to wind down in between c0mms. I can do otters for this or transform you INTO an otter!

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The Each-Uisgue, the water horse. Disguising itself as a mare, it lures people on its back. It then it drives into the water to enjoy its new, soggy meat.

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finished the hotdog ferret!! apologies for the abundant watermarking, he gonna be a st1cker for sure >:3c


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SCOT-TOBER: DAY 3: Bean Nighe (Ban-Shee)
The Bean Nighe takes the form of a washer woman. Those who see her will see their own bloody clothes, foretelling their death.

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day 2: Ritual

Pretty busy this month but I'll try to keep up with the prompts. No promises on the quality 🥴

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