Truly thankful for your continuous support on Hongkongers🙏🏻

All we ask for is freedom and democracy, we shall never ever surrender! Justice will eventually win and defeat dictatorship!

11 44

呢幾日發生左好多事...實在令人好灰,但灰完就繼續行了,唔好放棄! // ig e

27 55

Hong Kong is no longer the vibrant city protected by Sino British Declaration.
Laws are distorted, election is postponed, pro-dem legislators are disqualified, dissents are criminalised with endless police brutality.

UK pls hold CCP accountable!

14 41

I for one support the integration of more fan input like this:
(Image credit to )

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白羅斯人宣佈啱啱過咗嘅星期日(9月20)為白羅斯國際聲援日,鼓勵各地人由 9月20-26 日都發聲支持白羅斯,幫佢哋集集氣。

108 149

They are our sauzuk it means hand and foot.
We should do our best to support them. Hope they can safe.

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林奠:「趁住中秋節...嘿嘿... 市民應該將啲月餅罐捐俾我...嘿嘿...等我出糧嗰陣...嘿嘿...用啲月餅罐嚟放現金...嘿嘿...」


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