Welcome to my Today I'm featuring 元, beginning.

I remember this kanji because it reminds me of 先(sen), as in 先生(sensei), referring to "one who came before". 元 is younger and more energetic, like they were when they were young.


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こんいちにゃ! My for today is 作, make/build.

This kanji is composed of 亻, the person radical, and 乍, which looks like a saw. So, a person using a saw to make something is a good way to remember this kanji. ^_^

Until tomorrow, また明日!

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Good afternyan! My for today is 算, calculate!

Components: 竹(bamboo) and 具(tool). Given one of the meanings is "abacus", the way I remember this is a hand holding an abacus while the fingers of the other hand flip the beads.


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Good afternyan and welcome to my featuring 理, logic!

Think of this as the process or arrangement of logic - so you have to carefully shape it. So 王 is shaped with the 里.

Fun fact, this kanji originally referred to processing jade.


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Good evenyan! Today's is 才! It means genius or talented.

This one is pretty straightforward, only three strokes, so it was tough for me to come up with a mnemonic. But you can remember it as someone moving gracefully.

Thanks for stopping by!

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Good evenyan and here's my 知, (to) know!

I came up with a good way to remember this and I'm happy to share it!

The components are 矢, arrow, and 口, mouth. So, speaking wisdom is like shooting arrows from your mouth. ^_^

Thanks and また明日!

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Good afternyan! My for today is 考, consider!

It was a bit challenging to come up with a mnemonic for this kanji, but you know the "Thinker" statue? The pose is strikingly similar to the shape of this kanji. So there you have it!


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Good evenyan and welcome to my for today: 思, think.

How I symbolize this is 田 (rice field) and 心, heart/mind. You have to use your head and think to plan out a rice field so it grows well.

See you tomorrow! にゃりがとう!

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Good afternyan and welcome to my Today is 晴, clear skies!

The symbolism of this kanji is just about perfect in my opinion - the sun 日 paired with blue 青. I can't help but feel cheered up by it (especially given the last couple weeks). ^_^

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Good afternyan! This is on 教, teach!

This one is a little complicated, so here's how you can remember it. You have a child respectfully learning 孝, next to a teacher ready to deflect mistakes 攵.

And there you have it. にゃりがとう、またにゃ!

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And here's my latest 工, meaning craft!

This looks like one of those big wooden cablespools to me; my mom painted and decorated them and then made stuff on them, so it stuck in my head really well.

I hope that helps you remember too! また明日!

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Good evenyan and here's today's 図, meaning map.

X marks the spot! ^_^

I also didn't realize that this was in one of my favorite words, library.

Thanks for stopping by, or as I like to say, にゃりがとう!

Until tomorrow, またあした!

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Good evenyan! My today is 絵, picture/sketch!

Like 紙(paper) before it this uses 糸(thread), and the other part is 会(meet). It's implied that the thread is colored so you end up with a picture when you put the silk together. ^_^


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Good evenyan, and here's my for today! 画, meaning picture! It also means brush-stroke.

It looks like a brush being dipped into an inkwell for me, so that's how I remember it. That's what matters - how you remember it. ^_^

Thanks for visiting!

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Good evenyan and here's my latest Today is 紙, paper!

I have an easier time remembering this because the part on the right looks like a sheet of paper. It also uses 糸(thread) because you could use thread to make paper.


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ようこそ! Today's is 記, narrative!

This originally referred to scribing, but it's more commonly used for writing down a narrative or account now.

You can remember it since it has 言(speech) and 己(self) in it, so self-speech.


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ようこそ! Today's is 書, write!

This one's a little hard for me to remember. But it turns out that 聿 originally meant brush, and Japanese writing was traditionally done with brushes, so there you go!


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Good afternyan! My for today is 読, read! As in my favorite activity! ^_^

This kanji is made up of 言(speak/word) and 売(sell), so you can think of this as someone selling their words - especially since reading was often done out loud.


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Good afternyan, and here's my daily 語, language!

This kanji includes 五 (5) in it, which can be pronounced as ご like this kanji. It serves as a fine memory aid.

Also, I really like the word 物語, monogatari, since it means "tale". =^_^=

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ようこそ (welcome) to my Today I'm covering 聞, hear/listen.

It includes 門(gate) and 耳(ear), so I remember it as "you listen through the gate with your ears".

Also, this kanji originally meant to 'news' which is why it's in 新聞, newspaper.

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