Hej, moi polscy przyjaciele w USA! Interesuje Was opieka medyczna dla wszystkich, lepsza ochrona praw pracy, 'Green New Deal', oraz więcej? Tak? To GŁOSUJ NA BERNIE-GO w wtorek, 3-go MARCA! [2/2]

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Hey friends! Interested in Medicare for All, greater labor protections, Green New Deal, and more? Yes, please! VOTE FOR THIS TUES., MARCH 3RD! [1/2]

21 78

Bernie's got "2020" vision for America! Feel the Bern El Paso🤞😁🔥🔥 Cya Saturday!


0 1

Um...can we stop with the choosey-choosey and start fighting the Trumputz? Pleeeze??? In today’s

4 15

‘Word!” by and me. The progressives didn’t mince words about who should being paying into the system.

3 5

Vote seto kaiba 2020.
(My friends and I had a debate if he would run for office, if he was real. BIG IF. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

1 1

I just heard is running for president! 🙌🔥

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